Submit a Request

Please complete all fields marked with an asterisk (*). After submitting, your request will be reviewed, and, if approved, will be posted on the Determinations Committee website. Please note your personal contact information will not be posted. If you are submitting a General Interest Question (see below) your company name will not be posted as well. Please also note that you should review any document you submit for metadata or other information that you do not wish to be publicly disclosed. DC Administration Services does not review documents provided to it for any information that may identify the question submitter.

Submitter Infomation

Is the question a General Interest Question?*

If yes, the question will not be attributed to you or your institution and requires two voting members of the relevant Determinations Committee to agree to deliberate the question. If no, the question will be attributed to your institution and requires only one voting member of the relevant Determinations Committee to agree to deliberate the question. Questions submitted which do not get the required number of voting members agreeing to consider will be deemed rejected and cannot be re-submitted unless new, additional information is provided.

Reference Entity

Publicly Available Information ("PAI")

Please insert details of your request. If you are requesting a determination on whether a Credit Event has occurred, please include links to press releases, press reports or other Publicly Available Information that describes the occurrence of the Credit Event:

Submit PAI*

*So that requests can be processed in the most expeditious manner, we ask that you link to the website where documents that you wish to provide as the PAI to your question are hosted. Should you have any difficulty with this, please contact DC Secretary.

Check here to confirm that you represent and warrant that all information provided with this request has been disclosed and can be made public without violating any law, agreement or understanding regarding the confidentiality of such information in accordance with Section 2.1(c) of the DC Rules.*