
Energy Transfer Equity LP

Event Publicly Available Information:

Energy Transfer Equity, L.P. (“ETE”) and Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. (“ETP”) today announced the completion of their previously announced merger of ETE with ETP. At the effective time of the merger, each ETP common unit converted into the right to receive 1.28 ETE common units. Based on the ETP units outstanding, ETE issued approximately 1.46 billion ETE common units to ETP unitholders.
As part of the merger, ETE changed its name to “Energy Transfer LP”

Press Release


DC Decision December 14, 2018

DC Statement December 14, 2018

Subsequent to the determination by the Americas DC that there was no Successor with respect to Energy Transfer Equity, L.P., the issue has been referred to IHS Markit to process the name changes of (a) “Energy Transfer Partners, L.P.” to “Energy Transfer Operating, L.P.” and (b) “Energy Transfer Equity, L.P.” to “Energy Transfer LP”, as described in the 8-K and 10-Q of Energy Transfer LP.


DC Decision December 7 2018

Request Accepted by DC
Pending DC Consent