Credit Event

Thomson SA

On August 12, 2009 the Credit Derivatives Determination Committee for EMEA resolved that a Restructuring Credit Event has occurred with respect to Thomson and the date of the Credit Event is 15 June 2009. The EMEA Determination Committee also resolved that one or more auctions may be held to settle relevant transactions with respect to this Restructuring Credit Event. This page contains details of the DC Resolutions, auction documentation and other items relating to the auctions for Thomson, as well as FAQs with respect to the Restructuring Credit Event process.

This determination relates to the company called “Thomson”, which is referred to in some documents as “Thomson SA”. We understand that there was previously a different company called “Thomson SA”, which changed its name to “TSA” in January 2003. For the avoidance of doubt, the Determinations Committee has not made a determination with regard to this latter company.

Further documentation relating to the auction will be added as it becomes available.

Event Publicly Available Information:

On 8 August 2009 Thomson SA released a statement on their website indicating that on 15 June 2009, they and all the holders of the 6.05% Senior Notes, Series A due 2009 issued by them (the "Notes") entered into a waiver and forbearance agreement ("Waiver Agreement") to defer payment of principal thereof in an amount equal to USD 72,500,000 from 17 June 2009 to 25 July 2009. The Waiver Agreement binds all holders of the Notes which at the time of such waiver comprised of more than three holders who are not affiliates of each other. http://www.thomson.net/GlobalEnglish/Corporate/InvestorCenter/Pages/default.aspx The deferment of principal of the Notes directly or indirectly results from the deterioration in the creditworthiness or financial condition of Thomson. Please see Section 1.3 of their 2008 Annual Report as filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for further details: Link

Auction Timeline: http://www.cdsdeterminationscommittees.org/companies/ISDACreditAuctionTimeline.pdf
List of Participating Bidders: List of Participating Bidders
Deliverable Obligations: Final List

The Exercise Cut-off Date for a Seller wishing to deliver a Credit Event Notice expired on Thursday 8th October. The Exercise Cut-off Date for a Buyer wishing to deliver a Credit Event Notice expired on Tuesday 13th October 2009.

Thomson Auction Settlement Terms: Thomson Auction Settlement Terms
Cash Settlement/Minimum Transfer Amount Memorandum: Further Information Concerning the Cash Settlement Mechanics
Deriv/SERV Thomson triggered transactions data: Thomson triggered transactions data
FAQs: Restructuring Credit Event FAQs
CDS Contracts with a Scheduled Termination Date of 20 September 2009 
We have been receiving queries regarding CDS contracts with a Scheduled Termination Date of 20 September 2009.  Assuming that:both parties to the Transaction have adhered to the Small Bang Protocol;
the Transaction is on standard terms and is a Protocol Covered Transaction;
the Credit Event Resolution Request Date (here, 10 August 2009) occurred on or prior to the last day of Notice Delivery Period; and
Mod Mod R (or Mod R) is applicablethe contract is triggerable by delivery by either Buyer or Seller of a Credit Event Notice specifying Restructuring as the relevant Credit Event on or before the Exercise Cut-off Date (even if such date falls after the end of the Notice Delivery Period).
Since the DC has already Resolved that one or more Auctions may be held to settle the Thomson Restructuring Credit Event, the Exercise Cut-off Date (for which, see Section 1.26 of the 2003 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions, as supplemented by the July 2009 Supplement) is (i) two London Business Days, if the Credit Event Notice is delivered by Seller, or (ii) five London Business Days, if the Credit Event Notice is delivered by Buyer, after the date on which ISDA publishes the Final List.
Therefore, with respect to the standard contracts as described above, the occurrence of a Scheduled Termination Date on 20 September 2009 will have no consequence on the parties' ability to trigger based on this Restructuring.

We have also received some queries on how Fixed Amounts should be calculated.  These are intended to accrue until the Event Determination Date. However, in circumstances where the Event Determination Date may be backdated, the premium will continue to be payable on each Fixed Rate Payer Payment Date until the contract is triggered by delivery of a Credit Event Notice.  At this point, the Calculation Agent will determine whether there has been an overpayment of premium and if so, the adjustment amount which is payable (for which, see Section 1.8(d)).  Therefore, in this case, we anticipate that parties will pay the full Fixed Amount on 20 September and in respect of contracts subsequently triggered and where the Event Determination Date is backdated to the Credit Event Resolution Request Date (being 10 August, 2009), the portion of the Fixed Amount relating to the period from 10 August to 20 September will be repayable by Seller to Buyer.

Where both Seller and Buyer deliver Credit Event Notices
The EMEA DC have resolved to clarify the operation of Section 1.26(b)(i) of the Credit Derivatives Definitions in relation to settlement of transactions following the occurrence of the Thomson Restructuring Credit Event.  The DC have resolved that if Seller delivers a Credit Event Notice during the two Relevant City Business Days following the date on which ISDA publishes the Final List (the Seller Trigger Period) in respect of less than the entire Floating Rate Payer Calculation Amount and Buyer also delivers a Credit Event Notice during the Trigger Period applicable to it (five Relevant City Business Days following the date on which ISDA published the Final List), the Exercise Amount specified in Buyer's Credit Event Notice would be applied first to the amount untriggered by Seller.

To take specific examples:

Assuming the Final List is published on Tuesday 6 October:

Example one:

Floating Rate Payer Calculation Amount: 100
Seller triggers on Wednesday 7 October -  Exercise Amount: 50
Buyer triggers on either Wednesday 7 or Thursday 8 October - Exercise Amount: 50

The result will be that 50 of the CDS would be triggered by Buyer and 50 by Seller, such that the entire CDS would have been triggered.

Example two:

Floating Rate Payer Calculation Amount: 100
Seller triggers on Thursday 8 October - Exercise Amount: 50
Buyer triggers on either Wednesday 7 October or Thursday 8 October Exercise Amount: 60

The result would be that 50 of the CDS would be triggered by Buyer and 50 by Seller, such that the entire CDS would have been triggered. The additional 10 which Buyer attempted to trigger would be ignored and Seller's Credit Event Notice would prevail to this extent.

Example three:

Floating Rate Payer Calculation Amount: 100
Seller triggers on either Wednesday 7 October or Thursday 8 October  -  Exercise Amount: 50
Buyer triggers any day from Wednesday 7  October - Tuesday 13 October -  Exercise Amount: 50

The result will be that 50 of the CDS would be triggered by Buyer and 50 by Seller, such that the entire CDS would have been triggered.

Example four:

Floating Rate Payer Calculation Amount: 100
Seller attempts to trigger on Friday 9 October  -  Exercise Amount: 50
Buyer triggers any day from Wednesday 7  October - Tuesday 13 October -  Exercise Amount: 50

The result will be that only 50 of the CDS will be triggered by Buyer.  Seller's notice will not be valid since it falls outside of the Seller Trigger Period.

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